
October 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Diamond R-IV                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Board Meeting

10/11/2023 - 05:30 PM

Central Office

401 S Main St

Diamond, MO 64840



SECTION 610.020



Notice is hereby given that an open public session of the Board of Education of the Diamond R-IV School will be held at the place, on the date and time set forth above. 

Members of the public who wish to make a public comment regarding a specific item listed on the current month’s agenda must request to address the Board before the meeting is called to order. Please submit your request to the Board Secretary including the agenda item to be addressed. Remarks concerning the agenda item will be limited to three minutes.

The tentative agenda for such open public sessions is attached.  Representatives of the news media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting:

NAME:                Dr. Keith White or Mr. David Smith

ADDRESS:        PO Box 68 Diamond, MO 64840

PHONE:            417-325-5186



Voting Members

Mrs. Barb Badley, Vice President

Mrs. Kay Culbertson, Treasurer

Mr. Tracy Danner, President

Mr. Craig Daniel, Member

Mr. Matt Housh, Member

Mr. Travis Ingle, Member

Dr. Brandon Webb, Member

Non-Voting Members

Dr. Keith White, Superintendent

Mr. David Smith, Board Secretary

  1. Call to Order 5:30 PM

    President Tracy Danner called the Diamond R-IV Board Workshop to order at 5:30 PM on October 11, 2023.

  2. Approve Agenda

    Motion to approve the agenda as presented.

    Motion made by: Mr. Craig Daniel Motion seconded by: Mrs. Barb Badley Voting:

    Unanimously Approved

  3. Board Workshop
    1. Hight Jackson/Branco Project Update
  4. Call to Order

    President Tracy Danner called the Diamond R-IV Board regular board meeting to order at 5:45 PM on October 11, 2023.

  5. Pledge of Allegiance

    David Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance.

  6. Wildcat Spotlight Middle School Volleyball Team
  7. Consent Agenda

    Motion to approve the consent agenda as presented.

    Motion made by: Mrs. Barb Badley Motion seconded by: Mr. Matt Housh Voting:

    Unanimously Approved

    1. Minutes
    2. Financial Update
    3. Bill List
    4. Diamond R-IV CSIP Updated
    5. ELA Adoption
    6. ACH Origination Update
    7. Career Ladder Update
  8. Additional Invoices
    1. Branco

Motion to approve the invoice to Branco for $224,476.00

Motion made by: Mr. Travis Ingle Motion seconded by: Mrs. Barb Badley Voting:

Mrs. Barb Badley - Yes

Mrs. Kay Culbertson - Yes

Mr. Tracy Danner - Yes

Mr. Craig Daniel - Yes

Mr. Matt Housh - Yes

Mr. Travis Ingle - Yes

Dr. Brandon Webb - Abstain

B. Webb Bill

Motion to approve the invoices to Webb Chriropractic for $135.00


Motion made by: Mr. Travis Ingle Motion seconded by: Mrs. Kay Culbertson Voting:

Mrs. Barb Badley - Yes

Mrs. Kay Culbertson - Yes

Mr. Tracy Danner - Yes Mr. Craig Daniel - Yes

Mr. Matt Housh - Yes

Mr. Travis Ingle - Yes

Dr. Brandon Webb - Abstain

  1. Action Items
    1. Communication Plan

      Motion to approve the Diamond R-IV Communication Plan.

      Motion made by: Dr. Brandon Webb Motion seconded by: Mr. Craig Daniel Voting:

      Unanimously Approved

    2. 2023-2024 Budget

      Motion to approve 2023-2024 budget.

      Motion made by: Mrs. Kay Culbertson Motion seconded by: Dr. Brandon Webb Voting:

      Unanimously Approved

    3. Add A Bus Route

      Motion to add a bus route and a driver for 2023-2024.

      Motion made by: Mrs. Barb Badley Motion seconded by: Mr. Travis Ingle Voting:

      Unanimously Approved

    4. Furniture Quote for New Elementary Offices

      Motion to approve a furniture bid for the new elementary offices from Norman Company for $16,287.39

      Motion made by: Mr. Matt Housh Motion seconded by: Mr. Craig Daniel Voting:

      Unanimously Approved

    5. Kitchen Stove and steamer

      Motion to purchase a stove and steamer for the elementary cafeteria.

      Motion made by: Mr. Travis Ingle Motion seconded by: Mrs. Barb Badley Voting:

      Unanimously Approved

  2. Reports
    1. Maintenance and Transportation
    2. Technology
    3. Special Services
    4. Wildcat Cafe
    5. Curriculum
    6. Elementary School
    7. Middle School
    8. High School
    9. Instructional CoachesJ. Activities
  3. Superintendent Report
    1. School Safety Grant
    2. Early Childhood Center
  4. Public Comment
  5. Closed Session

    Motion to go into closed session at 8:45 PM.

    Motion made by: Mr. Matt Housh

    Motion seconded by: Mr. Travis Ingle


    Unanimously Approved

  6. XIV.Adjournment Motion to adjourn at 9:40 PM.

Motion made by: Mr. Travis Ingle Motion seconded by: Mrs. Kay Culbertson Voting:

Unanimously Approved