
Feb 9 Board Meeting Minutes



SECTION 610.020


Notice is hereby given that an open public session of the Board of Education of the Diamond R-IV School will be held at the place, on the date and time set forth above.

Members of the public who wish to make a public comment regarding a specific item listed on the current month’s agenda must request to address the Board before the meeting is called to order. Please submit your request to the Board Secretary including the agenda item to be addressed. Remarks concerning the agenda item will be limited to three minutes.

The tentative agenda for such open public sessions is attached. Representatives of the news media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting:

NAME: Dr. Keith White or Mr. David Smith
ADDRESS: PO Box 68 Diamond, MO 64840
PHONE: 417-325-5186


Voting Members
Mrs. Barb Badley, President
Mrs. Kay Culbertson, Vice President
Mr. Tracy Danner, Treasurer
Mr. Craig Daniel, Member
Mr. Matt Housh, Member
Mr. Chris Macy, Member
Mr. Preston Wright, Member
Non-Voting Members
Dr. Keith White, Superintendent
Mr. David Smith, Board Secretary

I. Closed Session 5:30 PM
A. RSMO 610.021 Personnel(3)
II. Open Session 6:00 PM
III. Call to Order

President Barbara Badley call the meeting to order at 6:00 PM February 9, 2022.

IV. Pledge of Allegiance
David Smith led the pledge of allegiance.
V. Wildcat Spotlight
A. Mr. & Miss Snowflake
VI. Consent Agenda
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda without the sub list.
Motion made by: Mrs. Kay Culbertson
Motion seconded by: Mr. Preston Wright
Unanimously Approved
A. Minutes
B. Bill List
C. Substitute List
Motion to approve the sub list.
Motion made by: Mr. Preston Wright
Motion seconded by: Mr. Chris Macy
Mrs. Barb Badley - Yes
Mrs. Kay Culbertson - Yes
Mr. Tracy Danner - Abstain
Mr. Craig Daniel - Yes
Mr. Matt Housh - Yes
Mr. Chris Macy - Yes
Mr. Preston Wright - Yes
VII. Additional Invoice
Motion to approve the additional invoice to R&B Trophies for $132.50
Motion made by: Mr. Tracy Danner
Motion seconded by: Mr. Craig Daniel
Mrs. Barb Badley - Abstain
Mrs. Kay Culbertson - Yes
Mr. Tracy Danner - Yes

Mr. Craig Daniel - Yes
Mr. Matt Housh - Yes
Mr. Chris Macy - Abstain
Mr. Preston Wright - Yes
VIII. Allgeier Martin and Associates Updates and next steps
IX. Hight Jackson Associates Updates
X. Action Items
A. Food Service
Motion to not re-bid for contracting food management services for the 2022-2023school year upon
completion of the OPAA contract June 30, 2022.
Motion made by: Mrs. Kay Culbertson
Motion seconded by: Mr. Preston Wright
Unanimously Approved
B. 2022-2023 Administrative Salary Schedule
Motion to approve the 2022-2023 adminstrative salary schedule
Motion made by: Mr. Matt Housh
Motion seconded by: Mr. Chris Macy
Unanimously Approved
C. Couse Description Guide Changes
Motion to approve the DHS Course Description Guide Changes.
Motion made by: Mr. Preston Wright
Motion seconded by: Mr. Matt Housh
Unanimously Approved
XI. Information Items As presented unless the Board has questions
A. Maintenance/Transportation Report
B. Special Services Report
C. Technology Report

D. Curriculum Report
E. Dean of Students
F. Elementary School Report
G. Middle School Report
H. High School/Activities Report
I. Revenue Report
J . OPAA Report
XII. Superintendent Reports
A. Newton County COVID Health Updates
B. MSBA Region 9 Spring Meeting
XIII. Public Comment Opportunity
XIV. Closed session.
Motion to go into closed session.
Motion made by: Mr. Chris Macy
Motion seconded by: Mr. Matt Housh
Unanimously Approved
XV. Adjournment
Motion made by: Mrs. Kay Culbertson
Motion seconded by: Mr. Matt Housh
Unanimously Approved